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Local Buyer Appreciation

To thank those who already shop and encourage those who don’t regularly shop local, the Neligh Chamber of Commerce is implementing the Neighbor to Neighbor Program: Local Buyer Appreciation

December - Christmas Local Buyer Appreciation

To thank those shopping locally for the holidays, the Neligh Chamber of Commerce and the Neligh Economic Development Office are giving away $1,000 in Big Bucks at participating Chamber Businesses.  During the month of December randomly selected participating chamber businesses will give Big Bucks to random customers.  For example, on a certain day, The Neligh Flower Shop will have $21 Big Bucks to give away to the next customer that has a purchase over $50 and the next day Cubby's might give $6 Big Bucks to a customer with a purchase over $25.

Rest of the Year

During the rest of the year, once every calendar quarter a random business, on a random day, will give away Chamber Bucks to a random customer ranging from $50 - $250.